Saturday 8 November 2008


I was reading the very enjoyable 'Jews with Swords' adventure novel Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon and was suitably inspired to draw this. Oh, many are the times I've longed to find my way to a tavern, to rest my weary feet in the orange glow of a roaring fire. A busty tavern wench bringing me a fine frothing ale, a suggestive look in her eye as she passes me the tankard...

Sorry got a bit carried away there. I also wanted to try inking in a faster and less precise way to try to get a bit more personality into my stuff. I was particularly inspired by a new comic artist I've found called Denis Bodart there's probably a bit of Mignola to it as well.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going back to my wench fantasy...

Shut up, that's why

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